Juraj Kurimský
Iraida Kolcunová
základné vplyvy procesu starnutia: teplotu, vlhkosť a znečistenie malými časticami. Výsledky modelovania a analýzy sú príspevkom k znalostnej
báze procesov starnutia potrebnej k správnej analýze zvyškovej životnosti vn a vvn transformátorov.
Abstract. The paper deals with the degradation influence of the partial discharges activity in the insulation structure of the power transformers
insulation systems. The theoretical background of the oil-paper degradation cases shows three base influences to degradation process: the
temperature, the moisture and the pollution by small particles. Results of the modelling and analysis from physical models of the oil-paper insulation
system give the possibility to improve knowledge base and get proper analysis of real state of the power transformers remain life. (Modeling of
Partial Discharges in insulation systems of the transformers)