Optimalizácia zapojenia distribučnej sústavy

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Ľuboš Holka
Michal Kolcun


Príspevok sa zaoberá optimalizáciou zapojenia plánovanej distribučnej sústavy na napäťovej hladine vn využitím metódy simulovaného žíhania. Prostredníctvom nej sa optimalizuje zapojenie súčasnej a budúcej distribučnej sústavy vn za účelom správneho vyhodnotenia a porovnania alternatív v procese schvaľovania investícií z technického hľadiska.

This article deals with proposed methodologies for the renewing of equipment in the MV distribution grid. The main goal of this work is to create the process with which it is possible to design the target grid which will operate with lower operational costs compared to the existing grid, while maintaining the security and reliability of the operation of the distribution grid. In the given processes are recommended financial and technical criteria for the assessment of economical effectiveness of the investment. For this work the method of optimization called Simulated annealing was used. This method is used for the configuration of the optimal connection to the present and planned target distribution grids. The reason for this optimization is the correct evaluation and comparison of both alternatives from a technical and economical point of view.

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Generation of Electricity, Transmission, Distribution and Consumption of Electricity