Effect of temperature on the coefficient of nonlinearity of ZnO varistors

  • Štefan Ševec
  • Bystrík Dolník
  • Juraj Kurimsky Technical University of Košice


Abstrakt. Príspevok je zameraný na sledovanie vplyvu teploty na zmeny elektrických vlastností varistorov. Pre porovnanie sú analyzované voltampérové charakteristiky, merané pri rôznych teplotách vzoriek. Počas testov boli vzorky namáhané prúdovými impulzami. Veľkosť absorbovanej energie bola kontrolovaná. Pre sledované prípady sú vypočítané a prezentované koeficienty nelinearity. [Vplyv teploty na koeficient nelinearity ZnO varistorov]

Abstract. In the paper of the study the influence of temperature on the change of the electrical properties of varistors is presented. Volt-ampere characteristics are measured and analyzed. Tests were done at different temperatures of the samples. During the tests, the samples were loaded by current pulses. The amount of the absorbed energy was controlled. To the cases there are calculated and presented nonlinearity coefficients. [Effect of temperature on the coefficient of nonlinearity of ZnO varistors]

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